The OMS stretch hooding IS46 is an authomatic machine which can be part of an authomatized production line, it performs the packaging of the goods through bags of extensible film.
These bags can be made of different materials and they have different compositions, their main function is to protect the goods during the transport and the storage and also granting that the packaging will be stable and waterproof.
Through the use of coils of extensible tubular film it is possible to hood packs of different shapes and mesures.
During the design of the machine the main movements of the hooding cycle have been divided in 3 different phases; this choice led to the achievement of high production performances (up to 250 packs/h), always granting high quality aesthetic of the packed product.
Thank to the innovative coil-holder system it is possible to manage up to three coils at the same time, the three coils are installed at the level of the ground to enable the operator to substitute them without any downtime.
This system is designed to enable the operator to have easy access to the main parts of the machine during the maintenance and this guarantees a great saving of time which is one of the many qualities of this model of hooder.
This machine is actually one of the most performing machines of its cathegory that you can currently find on the market.
Performance: high productivity (up yo 250 packs/h)
Timing: no downtimes and no wasting time to change the coil
Eco-friendly: energy saving, because the film doesn’t need to be heated
Stability: the packaging with the stretch film is safer and more resistant, it also grants an high stability during the transport
Protection: the hood protects the goods from water, dust and bad weather conditions
Environment: less pollution tank to the less use of film