OMS Italy and OMS Singapore were one of the official sponsors at the 41° Asean Glass Conference held from the 9th to the 12th of October 2017 at Da Nang (Vietnam).
This occasion represented a moment in which different cultures met and it has been a great opportunity to share new ideas, toughts and solutions concerning the glass sector in particular. “Glass Digital Era”was indeed the subject of the event.
As reported in an article pubblished on the Glass World Wide magazine: “South East Asia has emerged as a major powerhouse for glass tableware production in recent decades. The development of a sizeable, local middle class and rising purchasing power have been pivotal, in addition to which, the region has become an important exporter to Europe, the Americas and the rest of Asia.”
OMS was glad to take part at this conference, first of all because of the opportunity to become aware of the new challenges in the glass sector and also to improve its technological skills concerning the glass market in the digital era.